One of the biggest advantages that Inkscape has over other graphics editing applications is that it's completely free to download and use. The program is actually created by a company called "Comma Media", which is actually a not-for-profit foundation. It allows the public to use the program for free and make modifications, as well as offer support if they need any. This has allowed many people to gain valuable experience with the software without having to spend a penny.
There are a few problems, however, with this free application. One of the biggest problems is that it's really not easy to learn the program. Since it's an Adobe application, it also shares some of the same features that you'd find in Adobe products. This can make it difficult for some to learn the advanced features that make the program so great. The other problem is that the free version of Inkscape does not allow you to create any type of customizations, which can be a bit limiting at times.
The good news is that there is a program called "Inkscape Pro" that costs about the same as the software itself but is completely free. This software is very powerful, but only allows you to customize three different tools. You can still modify the main toolbar, which includes most of the tools you'd find on the program itself. One of the biggest advantages of this application is that it has a pretty powerful workflow feature, which allows you to edit multiple layers, and then export your work. This allows you to create professional looking documents without having to spend a penny.